Thursday, August 13, 2009

Game DLC's

Red Faction Guerilla's first DLC, Demons of the Badlands, is out today. It's sitting on my download queue, ready for me to turn my xbox on when I get home today. This is the first of 3 planned DLC's for the game. Things have changed over the past couple years. There was a time when I would pick up a good game, beat it, get the 1000 achievement points and be done with it. Not anymore. With the new achievement point limit being 1750 instead of 1250, you can expect at least two DLC's coming out for a big title such as Red Faction.

Is this a good thing? In my opinion, yes. I'm a quality over quantity guy. I want a hand full of great games that I can enjoy. I'm not so big on buying every game that comes out. Now that DLC's are so big, I think carefully about a game before I buy it. Will there be DLC? Will the game be good enough for me to actually buy each DLC that is released for it? Answering yes to those questions significantly narrows the amount of games that I'm willing to buy. And the games I do buy, I will be playing for the better part of a year at least. That is a good thing in my opinion.

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