Saturday, September 18, 2010

Choose Wisely

If you could magically change people's opinion on just one of the following topics that are often negatively stereotyped, which would you choose?

1. Video games
2. Pipe smoking
3. Alcohol

Any other suggestions to add to the list? Put them in the comments section.


Unknown said...

I would choose pipe smoking. Negative opinions on alcohol and video games have less of a negative effect than prejudices about tobacco. Alcohol is too important to our economic wellbeing and video games can always be defended on grounds of free speech.

DropTheH4MM3R said...

It was actually pipe smoking that inspired this post.

"Do you smoke" always implies cigarette smoking. Because of this, would it be wrong to say that 'no' when someone asks if you smoke and don't have a chance to explain? Such as on a multiple choice questionnaire.

I'll stop before I go into a huge rant in the comments section about the differences. Bottom line is that I'd choose pipe smoking in the poll too.