Sunday, August 29, 2010


MP4Box is a powerful MP4 multiplexer. It does not have a GUI and must be run from the command line. After searching for a halfway decent program to split up a video file from my camera, I found MP4Box to be much better than most of the programs I found people suggesting as free MP4 editors.

To use the program, you can drag the .exe into the command line and hit enter. This will show you a list of the available commands. Your command will look something like this:

MP4Box -[command] video.mp4

A few of the commands for splitting are:

- split seconds
- splits size (in kb)
- splitx Starttime:Endtime (in seconds)

I had an 11 minute video that I wanted to split into two. In the command line, I specified (in seconds) the segment of video that I wanted to split off. The command looked like this.

MP4Box -splitx 282:677 kansas.mp4

Voila. I had an MP4 ready to upload to Youtube.

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