Sunday, January 24, 2010

Glycerin Soap For a Better Shave

When you use a straight razor, you should kiss shaving cream/gel goodbye and say hello to glycerin soap. Glycerin soap lubricates the skin better than cream or gel and allows the straight razor glide smoothly without gripping. From what I have gathered, it appears that shaving cream is designed not only for lubrication, but also to keep the loose hairs away from your skin. Soap, on the other hand, is pure lubrication. It is also cheaper and when its gone, its empty can to throw into the landfill.

Soap isn't only for straight razors though. It works with disposable razors as well. Currently I use a straight razor for my face and a Gillette Fusion to shave my head. I use glycerin soap with both. I noticed a clear, closer shave as soon as I switched from gel to soap.

Next time you are in the store, do yourself a favor and pick up shaving soap. It's only about $1.00 for a bar, plus you'll need to initially purchase a brush for no more than $5.00. You can use an old mug to put the soap in, or you can buy a cheap mug. I recommend Col. Ichabod Conk, but any brand will do. Walmart carries shaving soap, so you have no excuse! Once you try it, I don't think you'll ever go back.

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