Saturday, December 19, 2009

Google Better Than Apple

I'm cleaning up my Mac's HDD space; removing programs, cleaning up documents and pictures, etc. I ran across Address Book, the Apple program that comes with the Mac. I open it and see my profile I made a while back. Instantly, I see it as futile to create an address book that is saved locally on any hard drive these days, especially for me since I own PC and Mac. No point in creating a large database of addresses on my Mac if I need to access the info when I'm on my PC.

With Google, all of my contacts carry to all of my Google products. Out of curiosity, I cruise over to to see what their solution is. It's called MobileMe, and it's available for a 60 day free trial. Not sure what it costs after the trial, but the point is that it costs something. When paying for a service, you usually get premium service for your hard earned money. What Apple highlights with MobileMe regarding email is "Read messages are marked as read, and all your folders are exactly the way you left them, no matter what device you use to check your email." It also syncs your calendars and your contacts. Amazing!

In fact, MobileMe's products are just like all of Google's products. Except not free.


Matt Jones said...

MobileMe is ok. But if you look at from apple, you will notice that you can input your google and yahoo accounts in there and sync both of those with your apple address book. I sync my google address book with my apple address book and use as my default email client. Any it works pretty smooth. I also sync my google calendars with my iCal calendars. You can do that for free with an app that Google released, but i use BusySync an app i paid for that syncs many calendars including google to iCal every 5 minutes and it's 100% rock solid. I've used it for over 1.5 years and count on it a lot. Apple has many apps that sync with Google, as they have a close relationship as at one time they shared several board members.

DropTheH4MM3R said...

It's great that Apple products will sync with Google products for free within the programs. I didn't know that.